The Best Ways to Lower Your Electricity Bill
The electricity bill is one of the most expensive bills you acquire when owning a house. Finding all kinds of ways to cut off as much from the electricity bill as you can eventually just becomes a part of your day-to-day living. Whether it’s using more natural light from the windows than the electrical lights, using a fan or space heater instead of your central air unit, or any other small things; every move makes a difference. Making small but important changes can result in as much as a 25% drop in your bill.
Programmable Thermostat
The largest expense in your home is your central air unit/pump. Depending on the time of the year and your geographic location, it can result in spikes of use for your unit. By using a programmable thermostat, you can simply program the temperature for a certain amount of time in the day. This is a very efficient practice that will save you money and makes feeling comfortable in your home a lot easier.
Properly Seal Windows and Doors
Just like you want to make sure your home is using the right amount of air at the right times, you also want to make sure that none of it is being wasted. Having cracks in your doors and windows may lead to the escape of the air that comes from the unit. It could also lead to unwanted air coming in from the outside. By either replacing, caulking, or weatherstripping your doors and windows as necessary, you can prevent the unnecessary waste of air in your home.
Invest in Energy-Efficient Appliances
Newer versions of household appliances are making their way onto the market every day. While the initial cost of buying an upgraded and improved appliance may be a little bit more than someone would like to spend, it pays off in the long run by saving you money for years to come. If upgrading is not in your budget, always remember that not everything in your home needs to be the newest model on the market. You can work by prioritizing the appliances that run most often to get the most out of your investments.
Swap Out Lightbulbs
Another smart way to lower the electric bill is by switching to more energy-efficient light bulbs. The more traditional incandescent light bulbs use a lot of energy to produce light, and in fact, many of them are no longer manufactured. The initial price of buying the newer light bulbs may be higher, but they cost less to operate and last significantly longer than the traditional light bulbs, making it worthwhile in the long run.
There are so many more different ways that you can practice energy efficiency in your home. Take the time to look up all of the ways you can ensure you’re comfortable in your home while also keeping it affordable. If you need professional air quality services of any kind, contact Service Wizard for all of your heating and air conditioner needs!
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